Maureen, my friend!
Yeah, I know, what other reversals might I have in store? I suddenly loooove cleaning and making my bed? My new pasttime is XFL football reruns?
But seriously, folks, MoDo: TOTALLY on target in her column about Ahmadinejad:
"New York’s hot blast of nastiness, jingoism and xenophobia toward its guest, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, only served to pump him up for his domestic audience."
My take on Ahmadinejad (see Monday's post for more): A hateful, cruel autocrat, but one who ultimately cares more about looking like a powerful opposition leader to the U.S. and a hero in his own country than about pretty much anything else.
Much as I liked Bollinger's take-no-prisoners (unlike Iran, ha...cry) speech - I mean, damn, he laid it DOWN, and no one likes a cathartic verbal ass-whooping more than I - that too completely served Ahmadinejad's favorite pasttime: playing gotcha with inconsistencies in American values and rhetoric about freedom and democracy.
Mo, buddy, care to weigh in?
"[The] schoolyard name-calling of Lee Bollinger...only managed to elevate the creep sitting on stage with his thugs. Once you’ve made the decision to invite a tyrannical leader, you can’t undo it by belittling him in public."
Bollinger had to cover his ass in a major way (hello Jewish students, alumni, and donors!) so I get why he did it, but again, Ahmadinejad has constructed the scenario such that if you stoop to play his game, you automatically lose.
Meanwhile, I'm going to buy Maureen a kiss-and-make-up drink, and she can tell me about the relative merites of Bill Keller vs. Aaron Sorkin.