my VP is a Finnish composer?
Let me be clear, I have called Tim Kaine, Governor of VA, for the VP slot for several months now. However, and maybe I'm on a kick because I'm actually going to Finland in September, but Kathleen Sebelius' (Governor of Kansas for those just tuning in) presence on the VP short list intrigues me.
A lot of the obvious reasons have been gone over already- Democrat who has resoundingly won a "red" state, bipartisan cooperation that has resulted in significant legislative accomplishments, family political contacts in Ohio and Michigan, and oh, yeah, she's a lady. That's good for the lady voters, right?
The two main critiques, which I am only reiterating from a variety of sources, are that she won't bring Kansas with her into the electoral count, and (here's where it gets elliptical) she's a lady but she's NOT Hillary, so Hillary supporters will feel jealous/disrespected further/resentful that another woman will be chosen over HRC as a presidential ticket member.
Personally I've been impressed with Sebelius since I saw her speak at Center for American Progress back in 2005 (appropriately enough, with Thomas Frank). She's well-spoken but plain-spoken, charming, pragmatic, and wears her unique status as a female, Democratic chief executive in a Republican state rather lightly (in a good way).
But she's a really good choice because she underscores a lot of powerful themes: one, for the Emily' List constituents: look at the benefit of having lots of pro-choice female candidates on the farm team! We don't have to rely on one standard-bearer for womankind everywhere. Two, a fabulous counterpart to Obama on matters of bipartisan, pragmatic policymaking that nevertheless has a progressive perspective. Three, a candidate who truly exemplifies the fifty-state strategy of the DNC and now, the Obama campaign.
We'll see how this all ends up fairly soon- I still think Kaine will be the result, for reasons I'll detail later, but I'm throwing a few chips to Sebelius as the risky dark horse who could energize a whole new voter constituency. Sound like anyone else we know?
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