Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ohio women kick ass

In the midst of the ongoing debate regarding parenthood and careers, Teresa Lehman’s $2.1 million successful settlement from Kohl’s department stores demonstrates so clearly that a lot of working-parent issues emerge on the “supply side,”i.e. discriminatory policies in businesses that are punitive towards mothers, both present and future. Despite being a top candidate for a managerial position within the Kohl’s department store chain in Ohio, Lehman watched less experienced men, some of whom were her own trainees, receive promotions while she stayed put at assistant manager. Lehman was also explicitly interrogated and reprimanded for her pregnancies, with one jackass manager in particular, Timothy O’Daugherty, saying to her face “Are you going to get pregnant again?…Did you get your tubes tied?” Well, congrats to Lehman her ability to withstand such obnoxious treatment and come out the victor. She can flip the glass ceiling the bird, having moved up to senior merchandise planner for JoAnn fabrics.

Pundits, amateur and professional alike, spend a lot of time discussing high-powered, highly educated women opting out of the workforce. It’s certainly refreshing in this case to have the Kohl’s managers as the clear villains, and we could leave it at that, a cut-and-dry victory. But we’d be ignoring the true moral if we didn’t ask if women of means and education, along with their partners, make it easier for the O’Daugherty’s of the world to believe sexist garbage with the decision that despite all other qualifications and accomplishments, they are best suited to full-time motherhood. Given such challenges on the supply-side of the workplace, what is a feminist’s responsibility on the “demand side” that is, families expecting and negotiating for true family-friendly workplaces?


Blogger Josh said...

As much as I love me some Lily Tomlin as Snow White and Dolly Parton as anything, I would have hoped that we could have gone beyond 9 to 5, pink-collar workplaces.

Well, I'm not really that naive, but I did at least expect managers to be less ridiculously obvious.

Welcome back!

8:20 PM  
Blogger Integrator said...

I echo Josh's "Welcome back!"

You might want to take a look at some of the work by Muriel Niederle at Stanford (http://www.stanford.edu/~niederle/MurielNiederlePapers.htm). She does some very interesting work about women in the workplace and such.

One thing I have been wondering about is the idea of telecommuting, both in general and particularly with respect to women who want to stay home with families. I have seen a lot of companies that really could pull off telecommuting workers. And, if a woman can run a household, she can surely telecommute!

9:31 PM  
Blogger Linda Hirshman said...

Good thing she settled. The Supreme Court has now eliminated all meaningful damage awards for sex discrimination under the Civil Rights Act. Five to four. Thanks Bush and thanks to the supine Democrats in the Senate in 2005 when Justices Roberts and Alito were nominated.

7:10 AM  

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