Tuesday, March 28, 2006

sometimes TV matters too much in my life

And I'm not even talking about the Josh-Donna kiss on West Wing, which has since gone missing as a subplot for two weeks. Just...resolve...the goddam plotline already!

I watched Everwood last night (I was TIRED, shut UP), which brought my reaction-pendulum from "proud" to "pissed!!!" with every scene involving the main female characters. The good: Amy decides she needs time away from Ephram (the boy who has consumed her emotional energy for the past four years) to find out who she is and develop her own interests, including a newfound appreciation for feminist theory, yay! The bad: Her best friend Hannah tells her "maybe you SHOULDN'T get over this boyfriend, maybe you should consider getting back together with him, you're unhappy without him," blah-dee-blah.

This same character tells a grown woman that it's good to be the strong one who helps people deal with their own messes when grown woman decides to take care of herself and break up with her addict boyfriend (I'm simplifying a bit here) AND disagrees with Amy volunteering at Planned Parenthood because she doesn't believe in handing out condoms to everyone. So there are ideological reasons why I disagree here, but more than that I HATE HATE HATE the retread of the self-sacrificing, relationship-centered femininity that this character constantly parrots. I have no use for it on my TV, even if it's for the sake of having a different counterpoint.

In positive Planned Parenthood news, my homegirl Cecile Fire Thunder, the newly elected chief of the Oglala Sioux tribe said last week ""I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction." Boo. Yah.


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