Sunday, March 12, 2006

the purple vera wang

Of course, a day involving a purchase of a Vera Wang evening gown (not mine, but someone who will put it to excellent use) must be capped off with the triumphant return of post-Sorkin West Wing, including swirlycam-shot Josh and Donna kiss!!! Aieee! I had to walk off the elated shock. Seriously. Then I called my mom, both of us shrieking in disbelief and joy.

Actually, this was a good-mood inducing kind of day. The aforementioned successful dress shopping (the purchaser owns literally no other nice dresses, and this is so worth it) and an unexpected Trader Joe's run, minus Bird's Nests!!, and a few gifts for favors rendered.

I feel like a baby with a rotating mobile of fun items above my head, only instead of animals it's interesting news tidbits:
Milosevic died! South Dakota banned abortion! Ehud Olmert wants a peace agreement by 2010! And yet none of them catches my fancy enough to rantingly (it's a word, OK) analyze any one in particular. I will say this though: NYTimes needs to stop with the '08 starting-lineup magazine articles: batting first for the Republicans, Chuck Hagel! First up for the Democrats, Mark Warner! Damn, y'all, find something to cover that isn't happening three years from now.

But instead I'm just a superficial girl who cares only for pretty dresses and political soap operas. Fiddle-de-dee!


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