Monday, April 03, 2006

random hilarity

cause, g-d almighty, do I need some levity right about now. Or a stiff drink. Or both, since they're pretty mutually reinforcing.

So: the funny!!

I was considering changing the tagline on this blog to a quote from Jessica Valenti's (of Feministing) review of Erica Jong's new memoir: "After all, even self-aware egotism is still egotism." But then I thought the universe might implode from the meta-ness of it all. Posting a quote about self-awareness of egotism SELF-REFERENTIALLY...okay, you're all smart people, I really didn't need to explain...

Also, last night in Usdan I was ordering my Tofurky sandwich in my usual spastastic manner ("Can I have it on...the bread that's not pumpernickle but has pumpernickle in it?") and getting a somewhat deserved ribbing from the guy behind the counter. Once mine is on the grill, he starts making the next guy's salami sandwich, and just keeps piling it on.

He remarks to himself, "I just never know when to stop with the salami." Me, under my breath but not nearly enough, apparently: "Boy, if I had a nickle for every time..." Guy behind counter: *wide-eyed look of surprised glee* "Wow, ladies and gentlemen, the most crass comment of the night! Right here!" Me: "Do I get my sandwich for free or something?"

Awe. some. and yet, sad, for look at what passes for enjoyment in my everyday life...


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