Wednesday, November 09, 2005

in case you need a chaser

Just a follow-up on that dissertation-length Maureen Dowd post, only on a different topic entirely.
Dominique du Villepin’s recognition that (sacre bleu!) there are racial minorities in france and they might suffer discrimination:

My mom and I were talking several years ago about the whole banning-headscarves thing and my one-line dismissal was “ah, what a typically French way to deal with the problem of minorities and pluralism: just pretend its not there.” After all, we are all French, all the same, egalite, fraternite, who would want to be anyone other than generic European French?

So now, in the exception that proves my point, it is this BFD that the prime minister, after two weeks of rioting acknowledges that perhaps, we might be a bit of a racist society after all. Warning, EU- Turkey is not your biggest challenge on cultural openness and integration. Check your own back yards and see if there might be some structural discrimination against all the colonial brown people you conquered back in the day who are now living in your countries. Because, they are clearly not taking that shit any more.


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