Amy's tips #2: ways to survive finals
It is possible to be very productive during finals. I myself get a lot done, I read a lot, and generally do many necessary tasks. I'll use my friend Stacey as an example of just how productive you can be. Stacey relayed to me not five minutes ago how she booked a flight, bought Christmas gifts for her sisters, and confirmed a reservation. I would consider that a productive half-hour, in which many things got done that were on her to-do list. Now, none of those crossed-off tasks happened to be reviewing her macroeconomics notes or writing a paper. I am quite fond of that strategy of finals survival in which you complete every task on your list EXCEPT the schoolwork that is making you nauseous from overexposure. Thus, I am updating my blog instead of completing MY paper (yes, the one I was so jubilant about last week. That was the ROUGH DRAFT), along with several other (perhaps lower-priority) things are now officially off my to-do list! Isn't that great?
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