Thursday, April 27, 2006

video killed the literary star?

On the train today I had an epiphany about how competitve reality TV (even as little of it as I watch) has done some damage to my creative process. Granted, in some ways I feel like I learned as much about craft from Project Runway as I did from my writing workshop (don't LAUGH, you BASTARDS). All those consults with Tim Gunn insisting that the product reflect a clear vision, that you edit carefully and translate the abstract to the concrete with as much transparency and clarity as possible- all of those ideas have come up again and again as I tentatively start to write in earnest again. Of course, the idea of visually conceptualizing a garment and then physically constructing it makes me nauseous with fear, but hey, fashion design and poetry are not so far from each other, as far as process goes.

But the idea that something beautiful and representative of artistic vision can be created in a day, in essentially a cramming session? This is a BIG problem, as my initial impulse is already to believe I can do something perfect the first time around, when really so much editing, tangents, revision, etc.. are required before I can emerge with anything I can call a complete work. To see it reinforced on PR, and occassionally on Top Chef and American Idol, is becoming detrimental. I have to remember that the ability to create an amuse-bouche or an evening dress on a dime is based on years of practice, of building technique through discipline, and ideas stewing for long periods of time that emerge when only when the artist needs them.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

oh, how I love Brad Whitford

Gems from his appearance on the Tavis Smiley show tonight (yeah, no idea who it is either, but who cares):

"government is where the moral consensus is made tangible."

"standing on principle is easy, in a way. trying to negotiate how deep in the mud you have to wade to get an inch of what you want, that's heroic."

"My ancestors farmed and raised cattle, and I wear makeup. only in America. they'd be so proud that I have a favorite mousturizer."

and so much more, but it was late and I was blinded by his beautiful smile, which thank g-d will still grace my TV screen in Studio 60 on Sunset Strip, Sorkin's new show. My only problem tonight was that Bradley Whitford's appearance was at the same time as Caitlin Flanagan's on Colbert. Because there is a critique of Flanagan to rival my Maureen Dowd post coming down the pike, my friends, I would have loved to see Colbert take her on.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

a great loss...

I just heard that Reverend William Sloane Coffin died yesterday at 81. I told my mom because she was the one who introduced me to his very special soul, with equal parts of brilliance, erudition, compassion and righteousness. Rev. Coffin is a huge influence on me, and a large reason that I continue to learn from the mainline Christian tradition as well as my Jewish one, and a great source for inspirational quotes (and humorous ones). I'll never forget hearing him speak in Chautauqua just months after his stroke, and his introductory joke that his voice was, as Mark Twain said of Wagner's music, "better than it sounds." Ha!

Others include: Despair is not an option...despair rationalizes. Hope organizes.

"Joy in this world comes from self-fulfillment. Joy is a more profound experience than mere happiness. When you feel a sense of undeserved integrity because you think you're in the right fight - against segregation, against the war in Vietnam, against the stupid and cruel discrimination against gays and lesbians - these are the right fights, I feel very deeply. And the sense of self-fulfillment which comes from being in the right fight is a wonderful thing."

Amen. My prayer, especially on Passover, for myself and everyone, is that we should have that joy and self-fulfillment in our own lives. All the more reason to keep fighting the good fights.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

oh, life at Brandeis

Forgive the preponderance of snarky-nostalgic posts about Deis recently. I think I can be forgiven for a little reminiscing, seeing as my normally scheduled departure is approaching rapidly enough even WITHOUT the possibility of my last few weeks being cut short. I want to record those moments of pride and gratitude for experiences that I could only have here.

Case in point: Three Jews. One raised and still practicing Reform, one raised Con-form and practicing egalitarian neo-Chassidism, one raised Orthodox and practicing flexible halachic observance (got that?). All sitting in the campus coffeeshop and discussing the future of the American Jewish community as inspired by Rabbi Avi Weiss, the founder of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. Among the topics discussed: How do you create community? What does "open Orthodoxy" mean? what are its limits, especially vis a vis women's participation and welcoming queer Jews? How amazing is it to have a charismatic leader who understands the importance of making religious Judiasm emotionally supportive, socially conscious, and spiritually creative, all while maintaining the credibility of respect for halacha? Isn't it so much cooler to be a modern Orthodox rabbi with wide-ranging knowledge about topics secular and religious, with a sharp critical perspective, than to be a cookie-cutter parroter of a movement's party line (*cough* JTS *cough*)? How do we make living a Jewish life economically viable? How do we properly compensate and value teaching and spiritual leadership?

And really, where else in life is that conversation with those people going to take place spontaneously and with such humor and insight, on a cold Wednesday night? Amazing.

Monday, April 03, 2006

random hilarity

cause, g-d almighty, do I need some levity right about now. Or a stiff drink. Or both, since they're pretty mutually reinforcing.

So: the funny!!

I was considering changing the tagline on this blog to a quote from Jessica Valenti's (of Feministing) review of Erica Jong's new memoir: "After all, even self-aware egotism is still egotism." But then I thought the universe might implode from the meta-ness of it all. Posting a quote about self-awareness of egotism SELF-REFERENTIALLY...okay, you're all smart people, I really didn't need to explain...

Also, last night in Usdan I was ordering my Tofurky sandwich in my usual spastastic manner ("Can I have it on...the bread that's not pumpernickle but has pumpernickle in it?") and getting a somewhat deserved ribbing from the guy behind the counter. Once mine is on the grill, he starts making the next guy's salami sandwich, and just keeps piling it on.

He remarks to himself, "I just never know when to stop with the salami." Me, under my breath but not nearly enough, apparently: "Boy, if I had a nickle for every time..." Guy behind counter: *wide-eyed look of surprised glee* "Wow, ladies and gentlemen, the most crass comment of the night! Right here!" Me: "Do I get my sandwich for free or something?"

Awe. some. and yet, sad, for look at what passes for enjoyment in my everyday life...