Friday, January 13, 2006

abdicating outrage = apathy??

I am done with outrage. I am tired of getting angry and ranting to the choir on political matters. It is a waste of energy, accomplishes nothing, and leaves us drained, and what's more, positions us valiant liberals as merely reactive, which has been our problem all along. We know that the administration is corrupt, mendacious, unscrupulous, greedy, heartless, exploitative, misogynist, homophobic pricks. I can pretty much predict the strategies they will try to pursue both in the legislature and in the media (heck, the Farmer's Almanac can predict that). Likewise, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, Alito is going to get confirmed. And I refuse to be angry about that, because it was a foregone conclusion. This is a numbers game, and the hearings are all theater (clumsy theater, at that). We knew this day would come, and as passionate as I am about choice, at this point it's hard to create further restriction than already exists in some areas. If we have to form clandestine networks like doctors, clergy and activists did in the 60's, so be it. But above all, move on. Regroup. Win in '06.

And the only silver lining, by the way, is that I find it hilarious that Alito enters the Senate with people cheering and asking for autographs. It completely shows how D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people. Where else does a dorky technocratic attorney get to be a rock star? You KNOW this was the moment he planned for all through his con law exams, like, one day all those blond Republican girls will flock to me when I'm a pimpin Supreme Court Justice, WHAT!


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